Disinfection Service
Professional Disinfection Service For Commercial, Residential & Government Facilities.
It’s Our Commitment to Offers Affordable, Effective, Safe, Latest & Sophisticated Integrated Pest Management Methods To Combat All Kind Of Pests.
We can disinfect your office and workplace by delivering a broad-spectrum disinfection misting service. Regular disinfection services should form part of your action plan to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses.
Our selection of broad-spectrum disinfectant enables us to sanitize large areas in short periods of time, achieving maximum effectiveness and minimal downtime for your home and business.
Salak Pest Control has designed an effective treatment which offers peace of mind to an establishment for infection control.
For those that prefer to have a hygienic living or working environment, this surface sanitation treatment can be introduced to your premises to safe keep you and the people you care about.
When there are less microbes present, there is a reduced likelihood of cross-contamination.
We are using a unique formulation with a powerful composition has been proven to be highly effective against major strains of viruses, bacteria and fungi, including airborne and viral diseases.
Disinfection Solution That We Use?
Rely+On Virkon : Manufecturer : LANXESS
Why Need to Do Disinfection?
Reduce the risk of cross infection in an enclosed area.
Safe and comfortable environment offers peace of mind.
Responsible action to take during pandemic outbreak.